The Print Poster custom print option allows you to create kaleidoscope posters and other large-format projects by separating the kaleidoscope into "tiles" that can be printed on individual pages.
To use this feature, choose the File > Custom Print Options > Print Poster… menu item. The following dialog is displayed.
Use the numeric fields to specify the size of each tile and the number of tiles in each row/column.
If Print Margins is checked, each tile will be surrounded by a margin as specified in the Margin Size field. Kaleidoscope Kreator will attempt to print as many tiles as will fit on a given page, taking the specified margin size (and whatever additional page margins are required by your printer) into account. See the following example for more details.
If Show Cutlines is checked, a thin line will be included on the page to indicate the margin boundaries. The color of the cutlines can be changed via the Options dialog.
After making your selections, click OK to view the standard Windows® Print dialog.
In this example, a nine-piece 21-inch kaleidoscope is created by specifying tile size of 7 inches and a 3x3 tile arrangement. With a margin size of 0.250 inches, the resulting printed pages would be similar to the following (assumes 8.5x11 paper size): |